A / Vienna: TIAN

USA / Chicago: Karyn's on Green

A / Vienna: Yamm

USA / NYC: Blossom

A / Vienna: Yamm

USA / San Francisco: Millenium

Netherlands - restaurants and bistros recommended by VegCulture.net

The following veg restaurants / bistros are selected on the basis of numerous (professional) sources like quality newspapers, magazines and guides. To thank these hard working veggie entrepreneurs and to make them better visible in the gastronomy world is one main goal of VegCulture.net. The other goal is to cooperate and (if possible) support journalist, food writer and especially academic research on that topic. For any further suggestion please use contact. To find more veg restaurants we recommend especially happycow.net and additionally tripadvisor.com.  Some usefull information offer the special PDF Version of FoodService Europe & Middle East. 2011/5. Pan-European Survey: Vegetarian Restaurants Part II. Niche Market Players Show that Meat is not a Prerequisite for Outstanding Cuisine. 

The Netherlands are divided into twelve administrative regions, called provinces - Wikipedia.

North Holland / Amsterdam 

Betty's Vegetarian Restaurant  
Recommended in FoodServiceEurope

De Waaghals

Steinbeisser Experimental Gastronomy

South Holland / Rotterdam

Bla Bla 
Recommended in FoodServiceEurope


GB / London: The Gate

GB / London: Manna