Special thanks go to Vegetarianguides.co.uk, Happycow, Vegdining and Veggieplaces.co.uk
Selected list of friends and supporters:
Riegel riegel.de leading organic wine distributor in Germany / Austria
Vegusto www.vegusto.ch great vegan cheese, made in Switzerland
Vinceremos www.vinceremos.co.uk leading organic wine distributor in GB
Bourgeois Boheme www.bboheme.com Vegan premium fashion
VegNews vegnews.com for many people the best veg lifestyle magazine
Vegetarian Society UK www.vegsoc.org foundet 1847, the leading international vegetarian society
Vegan Society UK www.vegansociety.com formed in 1944, the leading international vegan soiety
Viva! www.viva.org.uk Vegetarians International Voice for Animals, GB + Polen
Vegfam www.vegfamcharity.org.uk “Feeds The Hungry Without Exploiting Animals” – by funding plant food projects:
VRg www.vrg.org The Vegetarian Resource Group (VRG) dedicated to educating the public on vegetarianism and the interrelated issues.
IVU www.ivu.org is a union of vegetarian societies around the world founded in 1908.
EVU www.euroveg.eu is an umbrella organisation for vegetarian societies and groups in Europe, foundet 1985
VEBU www.vebu.org German Vegetarian Society, foundet 1892
Vegan.at and VGT are the leading Austrian vegan/animal rights societies
You can also support our educational work
and academic food culture research on vegetarianism and veganism at University of Vienna
http://vegstudies.univie.ac.at by donating to:
VegCulture.net IBAN: AT111400001010056698 BIC: BAWAATWW
Or you can place at the relevant VegCulture.net page an advert about your business. Those restaurants which are recommend by TVR will also receive for their support an professionell sticker for the door, etc.
The professional designed sticker is around 150 mm x 100 mm - and will be labeled with:
Recommended by
(<link file:69>PDF - Preview Version 2013 )
Every official supporter will be celebrated t our Vienna Veggie Wine Meeting, when he/she visits Vienna.
Please contact us for more information!